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Happy Children



Molly W - Los Angeles

"My daughter Kennedy attends Goethe International Charter School and will be starting the 5th grade in the Fall. Last Spring I reached out to Ms. Kirat to obtain one-on-one tutoring for Kennedy as a result of Covid and full-distance learning. I work and wasn’t able to hold Kennedy’s hand through distance learning and I was afraid she may have fallen behind. I wanted to make sure she was not only prepared for the 5th grade, but would go into it confidently, and even ahead of the game.  Ms. Kirat was Kennedy’s 4th grade teacher and also helped my son with a project when he was at Goethe.  I knew her to be kind, sensitive, strict when needed, and overall was very well-liked by her students.  In my mind, she was the perfect fit for our daughter. 

Ms. Kirat tutors Kennedy two days/week for one hour. Using the Zoom platform, Ms. Kirat conducts collaborative lessons in math, reading and writing, but most importantly it is her engagement with Kennedy and the constant inquiry into what she is learning and what she thinks about what she is learning that has made our tutoring sessions a success. Recently Ms. Kirat and Kennedy watched a Master Class video with author Judy Blume about writing, which sparked Kennedy’s interest in taking her stories to a deeper level.  Ms. Kirat has encouraged Kennedy to explore her own life stories, as well as the character’s backstories that she reads and writes about. As a result, her understanding of story structure has gone to another level. Kennedy has also overcome her dislike of math and now regularly announces how good she is at it.  Kennedy tells friends about her sessions with Ms. Kirat and brags that Ms. Kirat said she is more than ready for the 5th grade. As a result of working with Ms. Kirat, Kennedy feels comfortable and confident and that is what we wanted more than anything!"


-Molly W

Nolan S - Germany

I recently moved to Germany and was required to take English language proficiency tests. Luckily Ms. Kirat was available to help me prepare extremely well. She developed a well thought out plan to maximize my score and in turn my University admissions chances. 


Working with her was an absolute pleasure, as she made time for me considering the 9 hour time difference. To that, she was kind and provided helpful, structured feedback to me. With her assistance I received the highest score possible on the aforementioned assessments. 


When the opportunity arises I will certainly be choosing to work with her once again. 


-Nolan S

Bettina T - Los Angeles

"At first I wasn’t sure if online tutoring would work, especially for language training, but I gave it a shot.  Mrs. Kirat meets with her 4 x per week on Zoom, to give her lots of opportunities to speak the language.  My daughter works hard even after the calls, to complete a special little video project that was created for her by Mrs. Kirat.  She is so proud of the new words she is learning and she really enjoys the sessions! Mrs. Kirat makes the lessons fun and she keeps my daughter engaged. 


The other day my daughter started talking in German out of the blue. I was very impressed with her vocabulary. I feel these lessons are giving her the confidence she needs to take her German to the next level. Danke Frau Kirat!"


- Bettina T

Chiara M - Los Angeles

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